Tuesday, May 10, 2016

action hero 3d modeling and animation

hi res model in zbrush, low poly model in 3ds max, biped used for rigging and animation.

1 comment:

  1. 3D Animation: What the Doctor Ordered

    The global animation market was valued at $254 billion by 2017. It has, however, become evident that the rise was but the beginning. This industry is bound to grow, especially now that it has proved to be an effective marketing tool.

    You Will Thank Us - 9 Tips About 3D Animation You Need To Know

    3D animation is conventionally a reserve of the entertainment business. This is largely due to its capability to arouse emotion and captivate. The capability to captivate and motivate is in fact the main reason why animation is very popular among marketers nowadays.

    Does 3D animation beat traditional methods of promoting products?

    Well, to be honest, it WORTH A LOT MORE THAN THAT!

    Think about giant brands such as Gillette and the popular Apple. With Gillette, for instance, a boring shave is transformed into a 3D adventure. This has made the brand very well liked among consumers. Gillette was wise enough to realize that to rise above the competition, it had to move away from generic advertising. At the end of the day, a quality animation reflects well on your brand. This is exactly what 3D product animation intends to achieve- to assist you tower over the competition.

    When 3d animation is utilized as a marketing tool, three primary advantages are realized:

    1. Prototyping Magic: Lots of money goes into designing a prototype to test the market. These expensive prototypes yield the necessary feedback but, what if you could have the feedback at a cheaper price? Well, now you can. 3D product animation can be used to design a virtual prototype and expose it to the market. This way, you get feedback for your product cheaply.

    2.First Impressions last Forever: The most exciting items rarely look the part. Think about Gillette adverts without the entertaining 3D aspect. How boring would that have been?

    3D product animation has the ability to change even the most boring of products into a blockbuster. Every product is beautiful in a virtual world- especially after a few special effects. Do it right and the market will obsess over your product.

    Apple's iPhone X is a good example of this phenomenon. Its marketing relied heavily on 3D models. Other brand names that have employed 3D product animations effectively are Samsung, Microsoft, and Huawei. Now you know why they take over their respective markets.

    3.Money Talks: 3D product animation saves money. The animation can be utilized long before the marketing phase to identify problems in the product design. Designers can modify the product after analyzing its model without physical prototyping.

    Animation is also easily the most cost-effective marketing technique there is. With the growing popularity of Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D printing, it helps to show that you are acquainted with the latest trends.

    In a nutshell, animation technologies will bring good tidings to your product. They add mystique, suspense, and glamor to products. Animation also gives the brand legitimacy as a modern oriented company. Bad first impression has been the doom of numerous products.

    Don't be part of the failures. Spice things up. Turn your ad into a 3D tale featuring your product as the stylish and irresistible hero. You do want to be the next Apple and Huawei, don't you?
